01772 254322

P&S Consulting Engineers

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News » £4.8m Project to Improve the Holden Wood and Ogden Reservoirs at Grane Valley

PaSCoE has worked with Eric Wright Civil Engineering to completed a £4.8m project to improve the Holden Wood and Ogden reservoirs at Grane Valley, Rossendale, Lancashire.

The main purpose of the project was to improve the overflow and spillway facilities at Holden Wood and Ogden Reservoirs allowing PMF flows to be safely routed through the Grane Valley cascade and return the reservoirs to their normal operating levels.

PaSCoE were involved in both temporary and permanent works designs for both schemes, some of which are explored in more detail in our case studies section.

Jonathan Clarke, Project Manager at United Utilities added: “The skill, professionalism and commitment of all those involved in delivering this multi- million pound project successfully was outstanding. Exceptional progress was made against a tight programme whilst maintaining a key focus on health, safety and positive engagement with local residents and stakeholders.”

See time lapse video of Holden Wood

See article in Water Power and Dam Construction magazine

Thanks to Greg at SUAVE Aerial Photographers for the excellent photos-  www.suaveairphotos.co.uk


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