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Projects » Abutment Support

M53 Moreton North Bridge Demolition

Civil Structural Temporary Works

The M53 Moreton North Bridge carries the Junction 2 southbound slip road (Chester bound) over the main motorway. Recent bridge assessments had recommended a weight restriction be applied to the bridge which would restrict HGV use. Highways England therefore planned for its replacement. The presence of asbestos permanent formwork cast…

Pooley Bridge Gets Its Bridge Back

Civil Earth Structures Geotechnical Structural Temporary Works

On December the 6th 2015, during storm Desmond, substantial flooding in Cumbria resulted in the loss of the masonry arch bridge within the village of Pooley Bridge. The original bridge was erected in 1764 (itself replacing an earlier bridge from the 16th century) and was positioned at the outlet of…

A57 Hyde Road Widening Works to Ease Congestion

Civil Earth Structures Featured Geotechnical Structural Temporary Works

The A57 Hyde Road forms part of the main arterial route network into Manchester City Centre. The trunk road is a link between the junctions of the M60 and M67 motorways at the east end, and the Ardwick Green South (A6) at the west end. For the majority of its…

A50 Growth Corridor Bridge Demolition

Structural Temporary Works

The £40 million A50 Growth Corridor Project is being delivered by Staffordshire County Council and Tarmac Construction on behalf of Highways England. The project is designed to ease congestion and offer easy access to the 700-home Bramshall Meadows housing development without traffic being driven through Uttoxeter. The works include a…

New Culvert Reinstates RA Rating for the Welshpool to Aberystwyth Line

Civil Railways Structural Temporary Works

As part of the Wales Package 7 contract, a number of structures along the Welshpool to Aberystwyth line did not have the Rail Availability (RA) rating for the line. In order to achieve the RA rating for the Greenhouse Underbridge it was agreed that the superstructure to the bridge would…

A46 Bingham Railway Bridge

Geotechnical Railways Structural Temporary Works

As part of the A46 Widmerpool Improvement Scheme an existing masonry railway bridge at Bingham required replacement to accommodate four lanes of traffic below. The bridge was designed to be constructed off line and under a 72 hour Christmas possession to be driven into position using self-propelled modular transport (SPMTs)….