Following the introduction of BS EN 1997-1:2004 Eurocode 7 Geotechnical Design both BS 8002:1994 Code of Practice for Earth Retaining Structures and BS 8004:1986 Code of Practice for Foundations were partially superseded and eventually withdrawn in 2010.
Eurocode 7 is general in nature and the extensive UK design recommendations and guidance contained within the British Standards had not been replaced following their withdrawal.
Geocentrix were appointed in 2014 as Technical Author for both BS8002 and BS8004 with Working Group B/526/-/6 overseeing the Revision of BS 8002 and Working Group B/526/-/7 overseeing the Revision of BS 8004.
Paul Thurlwell of PaSCoE is Chairman of Group B/526/-/6 and a committee member of B/526/-/7
Following the public consultation period, during which the industry became highly involved, both documents have now been published by BSI.
BS8002:2015 Code of practice for earth retaining structures:
BS8004:2015 Code of practice for foundations:
These documents are non-contradictory and complementary to the Eurocodes.
The sections on angle of shearing resistance have been updated and revised to fall in line with characteristic soil values used in Eurocodes and new sections on undrained shear strength and stiffness have been added.
Simplified methods of analysis for small foundations have been added in BS8004, together with a more comprehensive bearing capacity calculation method for use on more complex projects.
There is also a new section in BS8002 dealing with traffic surcharge loads, with an option of using simple udl’s as opposed to the more complex Eurocode Vehicle Load Models.